Source code for pygments.lexers.math

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Lexers for math languages.

    :copyright: Copyright 2006-2013 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.

import re

from pygments.util import shebang_matches
from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, bygroups, include, \
    combined, do_insertions
from pygments.token import Comment, String, Punctuation, Keyword, Name, \
    Operator, Number, Text, Generic

from pygments.lexers.agile import PythonLexer
from pygments.lexers import _scilab_builtins
from pygments.lexers import _stan_builtins

__all__ = ['JuliaLexer', 'JuliaConsoleLexer', 'MuPADLexer', 'MatlabLexer',
           'MatlabSessionLexer', 'OctaveLexer', 'ScilabLexer', 'NumPyLexer',
           'RConsoleLexer', 'SLexer', 'JagsLexer', 'BugsLexer', 'StanLexer',
           'IDLLexer', 'RdLexer']

[docs]class JuliaLexer(RegexLexer): """ For `Julia <>`_ source code. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'Julia' aliases = ['julia','jl'] filenames = ['*.jl'] mimetypes = ['text/x-julia','application/x-julia'] builtins = [ 'exit','whos','edit','load','is','isa','isequal','typeof','tuple', 'ntuple','uid','hash','finalizer','convert','promote','subtype', 'typemin','typemax','realmin','realmax','sizeof','eps','promote_type', 'method_exists','applicable','invoke','dlopen','dlsym','system', 'error','throw','assert','new','Inf','Nan','pi','im', ] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'\n', Text), (r'[^\S\n]+', Text), (r'#.*$', Comment), (r'[]{}:(),;[@]', Punctuation), (r'\\\n', Text), (r'\\', Text), # keywords (r'(begin|while|for|in|return|break|continue|' r'macro|quote|let|if|elseif|else|try|catch|end|' r'bitstype|ccall|do|using|module|import|export|' r'importall|baremodule)\b', Keyword), (r'(local|global|const)\b', Keyword.Declaration), (r'(Bool|Int|Int8|Int16|Int32|Int64|Uint|Uint8|Uint16|Uint32|Uint64' r'|Float32|Float64|Complex64|Complex128|Any|Nothing|None)\b', Keyword.Type), # functions (r'(function)((?:\s|\\\s)+)', bygroups(Keyword,Name.Function), 'funcname'), # types (r'(type|typealias|abstract)((?:\s|\\\s)+)', bygroups(Keyword,Name.Class), 'typename'), # operators (r'==|!=|<=|>=|->|&&|\|\||::|<:|[-~+/*%=<>&^|.?!$]', Operator), (r'\.\*|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\\', Operator), # builtins ('(' + '|'.join(builtins) + r')\b', Name.Builtin), # backticks (r'`(?s).*?`', String.Backtick), # chars (r"'(\\.|\\[0-7]{1,3}|\\x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,3}|\\u[a-fA-F0-9]{1,4}|" r"\\U[a-fA-F0-9]{1,6}|[^\\\'\n])'", String.Char), # try to match trailing transpose (r'(?<=[.\w\)\]])\'+', Operator), # strings (r'(?:[IL])"', String, 'string'), (r'[E]?"', String, combined('stringescape', 'string')), # names (r'@[a-zA-Z0-9_.]+', Name.Decorator), (r'[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name), # numbers (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float), (r'\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float), (r'0b[01]+', Number.Binary), (r'0o[0-7]+', Number.Oct), (r'0x[a-fA-F0-9]+', Number.Hex), (r'\d+', Number.Integer) ], 'funcname': [ ('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name.Function, '#pop'), ('\([^\s\w{]{1,2}\)', Operator, '#pop'), ('[^\s\w{]{1,2}', Operator, '#pop'), ], 'typename': [ ('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name.Class, '#pop') ], 'stringescape': [ (r'\\([\\abfnrtv"\']|\n|N{.*?}|u[a-fA-F0-9]{4}|' r'U[a-fA-F0-9]{8}|x[a-fA-F0-9]{2}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape) ], 'string': [ (r'"', String, '#pop'), (r'\\\\|\\"|\\\n', String.Escape), # included here for raw strings (r'\$(\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\))?[-#0 +]*([0-9]+|[*])?(\.([0-9]+|[*]))?', String.Interpol), (r'[^\\"$]+', String), # quotes, dollar signs, and backslashes must be parsed one at a time (r'["\\]', String), # unhandled string formatting sign (r'\$', String) ], } def analyse_text(text): return shebang_matches(text, r'julia')
line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
[docs]class JuliaConsoleLexer(Lexer): """ For Julia console sessions. Modeled after MatlabSessionLexer. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'Julia console' aliases = ['jlcon'] def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): jllexer = JuliaLexer(**self.options) curcode = '' insertions = [] for match in line_re.finditer(text): line = if line.startswith('julia>'): insertions.append((len(curcode), [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:3])])) curcode += line[3:] elif line.startswith(' '): idx = len(curcode) # without is showing error on same line as before...? line = "\n" + line token = (0, Generic.Traceback, line) insertions.append((idx, [token])) else: if curcode: for item in do_insertions( insertions, jllexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)): yield item curcode = '' insertions = [] yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line if curcode: # or item: for item in do_insertions( insertions, jllexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)): yield item
[docs]class MuPADLexer(RegexLexer): """ A `MuPAD <>`_ lexer. Contributed by Christopher Creutzig <>. *New in Pygments 0.8.* """ name = 'MuPAD' aliases = ['mupad'] filenames = ['*.mu'] tokens = { 'root' : [ (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single), (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'), (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String), (r'\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}', Punctuation), (r'''(?x)\b(?: next|break|end| axiom|end_axiom|category|end_category|domain|end_domain|inherits| if|%if|then|elif|else|end_if| case|of|do|otherwise|end_case| while|end_while| repeat|until|end_repeat| for|from|to|downto|step|end_for| proc|local|option|save|begin|end_proc| delete|frame )\b''', Keyword), (r'''(?x)\b(?: DOM_ARRAY|DOM_BOOL|DOM_COMPLEX|DOM_DOMAIN|DOM_EXEC|DOM_EXPR| DOM_FAIL|DOM_FLOAT|DOM_FRAME|DOM_FUNC_ENV|DOM_HFARRAY|DOM_IDENT| DOM_INT|DOM_INTERVAL|DOM_LIST|DOM_NIL|DOM_NULL|DOM_POLY|DOM_PROC| DOM_PROC_ENV|DOM_RAT|DOM_SET|DOM_STRING|DOM_TABLE|DOM_VAR )\b''', Name.Class), (r'''(?x)\b(?: PI|EULER|E|CATALAN| NIL|FAIL|undefined|infinity| TRUE|FALSE|UNKNOWN )\b''', Name.Constant), (r'\b(?:dom|procname)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo), (r'\.|,|:|;|=|\+|-|\*|/|\^|@|>|<|\$|\||!|\'|%|~=', Operator), (r'''(?x)\b(?: and|or|not|xor| assuming| div|mod| union|minus|intersect|in|subset )\b''', Operator.Word), (r'\b(?:I|RDN_INF|RD_NINF|RD_NAN)\b', Number), #(r'\b(?:adt|linalg|newDomain|hold)\b', Name.Builtin), (r'''(?x) ((?:[a-zA-Z_#][a-zA-Z_#0-9]*|`[^`]*`) (?:::[a-zA-Z_#][a-zA-Z_#0-9]*|`[^`]*`)*)(\s*)([(])''', bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)), (r'''(?x) (?:[a-zA-Z_#][a-zA-Z_#0-9]*|`[^`]*`) (?:::[a-zA-Z_#][a-zA-Z_#0-9]*|`[^`]*`)*''', Name.Variable), (r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number), (r'\.[0-9]+(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number), (r'.', Text) ], 'comment' : [ (r'[^*/]', Comment.Multiline), (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, '#push'), (r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'), (r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline) ] }
[docs]class MatlabLexer(RegexLexer): """ For Matlab source code. *New in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'Matlab' aliases = ['matlab'] filenames = ['*.m'] mimetypes = ['text/matlab'] # # These lists are generated automatically. # Run the following in bash shell: # # for f in elfun specfun elmat; do # echo -n "$f = " # matlab -nojvm -r "help $f;exit;" | perl -ne \ # 'push(@c,$1) if /^ (\w+)\s+-/; END {print q{["}.join(q{","},@c).qq{"]\n};}' # done # # elfun: Elementary math functions # specfun: Special Math functions # elmat: Elementary matrices and matrix manipulation # # taken from Matlab version (R2007a) # elfun = ["sin","sind","sinh","asin","asind","asinh","cos","cosd","cosh", "acos","acosd","acosh","tan","tand","tanh","atan","atand","atan2", "atanh","sec","secd","sech","asec","asecd","asech","csc","cscd", "csch","acsc","acscd","acsch","cot","cotd","coth","acot","acotd", "acoth","hypot","exp","expm1","log","log1p","log10","log2","pow2", "realpow","reallog","realsqrt","sqrt","nthroot","nextpow2","abs", "angle","complex","conj","imag","real","unwrap","isreal","cplxpair", "fix","floor","ceil","round","mod","rem","sign"] specfun = ["airy","besselj","bessely","besselh","besseli","besselk","beta", "betainc","betaln","ellipj","ellipke","erf","erfc","erfcx", "erfinv","expint","gamma","gammainc","gammaln","psi","legendre", "cross","dot","factor","isprime","primes","gcd","lcm","rat", "rats","perms","nchoosek","factorial","cart2sph","cart2pol", "pol2cart","sph2cart","hsv2rgb","rgb2hsv"] elmat = ["zeros","ones","eye","repmat","rand","randn","linspace","logspace", "freqspace","meshgrid","accumarray","size","length","ndims","numel", "disp","isempty","isequal","isequalwithequalnans","cat","reshape", "diag","blkdiag","tril","triu","fliplr","flipud","flipdim","rot90", "find","end","sub2ind","ind2sub","bsxfun","ndgrid","permute", "ipermute","shiftdim","circshift","squeeze","isscalar","isvector", "ans","eps","realmax","realmin","pi","i","inf","nan","isnan", "isinf","isfinite","j","why","compan","gallery","hadamard","hankel", "hilb","invhilb","magic","pascal","rosser","toeplitz","vander", "wilkinson"] tokens = { 'root': [ # line starting with '!' is sent as a system command. not sure what # label to use... (r'^!.*', String.Other), (r'%\{\s*\n', Comment.Multiline, 'blockcomment'), (r'%.*$', Comment), (r'^\s*function', Keyword, 'deffunc'), # from 'iskeyword' on version 7.11 (R2010): (r'(break|case|catch|classdef|continue|else|elseif|end|enumerated|' r'events|for|function|global|if|methods|otherwise|parfor|' r'persistent|properties|return|spmd|switch|try|while)\b', Keyword), ("(" + "|".join(elfun+specfun+elmat) + r')\b', Name.Builtin), # line continuation with following comment: (r'\.\.\..*$', Comment), # operators: (r'-|==|~=|<|>|<=|>=|&&|&|~|\|\|?', Operator), # operators requiring escape for re: (r'\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\/|\\', Operator), # punctuation: (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|:|@|\.|,', Punctuation), (r'=|:|;', Punctuation), # quote can be transpose, instead of string: # (not great, but handles common cases...) (r'(?<=[\w\)\]])\'', Operator), (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float), (r'\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float), (r'\d+', Number.Integer), (r'(?<![\w\)\]])\'', String, 'string'), ('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name), (r'.', Text), ], 'string': [ (r'[^\']*\'', String, '#pop') ], 'blockcomment': [ (r'^\s*%\}', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'), (r'^.*\n', Comment.Multiline), (r'.', Comment.Multiline), ], 'deffunc': [ (r'(\s*)(?:(.+)(\s*)(=)(\s*))?(.+)(\()(.*)(\))(\s*)', bygroups(Text.Whitespace, Text, Text.Whitespace, Punctuation, Text.Whitespace, Name.Function, Punctuation, Text, Punctuation, Text.Whitespace), '#pop'), ], } def analyse_text(text): if re.match('^\s*%', text, re.M): # comment return 0.9 elif re.match('^!\w+', text, re.M): # system cmd return 0.9 return 0.1
line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
[docs]class MatlabSessionLexer(Lexer): """ For Matlab sessions. Modeled after PythonConsoleLexer. Contributed by Ken Schutte <>. *New in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'Matlab session' aliases = ['matlabsession'] def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): mlexer = MatlabLexer(**self.options) curcode = '' insertions = [] for match in line_re.finditer(text): line = if line.startswith('>>'): insertions.append((len(curcode), [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:3])])) curcode += line[3:] elif line.startswith('???'): idx = len(curcode) # without is showing error on same line as before...? line = "\n" + line token = (0, Generic.Traceback, line) insertions.append((idx, [token])) else: if curcode: for item in do_insertions( insertions, mlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)): yield item curcode = '' insertions = [] yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line if curcode: # or item: for item in do_insertions( insertions, mlexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(curcode)): yield item
[docs]class OctaveLexer(RegexLexer): """ For GNU Octave source code. *New in Pygments 1.5.* """ name = 'Octave' aliases = ['octave'] filenames = ['*.m'] mimetypes = ['text/octave'] # These lists are generated automatically. # Run the following in bash shell: # # First dump all of the Octave manual into a plain text file: # # $ info octave --subnodes -o octave-manual # # Now grep through it: # for i in \ # "Built-in Function" "Command" "Function File" \ # "Loadable Function" "Mapping Function"; # do # perl -e '@name = qw('"$i"'); # print lc($name[0]),"_kw = [\n"'; # # perl -n -e 'print "\"$1\",\n" if /-- '"$i"': .* (\w*) \(/;' \ # octave-manual | sort | uniq ; # echo "]" ; # echo; # done # taken from Octave Mercurial changeset 8cc154f45e37 (30-jan-2011) builtin_kw = [ "addlistener", "addpath", "addproperty", "all", "and", "any", "argnames", "argv", "assignin", "atexit", "autoload", "available_graphics_toolkits", "beep_on_error", "bitand", "bitmax", "bitor", "bitshift", "bitxor", "cat", "cell", "cellstr", "char", "class", "clc", "columns", "command_line_path", "completion_append_char", "completion_matches", "complex", "confirm_recursive_rmdir", "cputime", "crash_dumps_octave_core", "ctranspose", "cumprod", "cumsum", "debug_on_error", "debug_on_interrupt", "debug_on_warning", "default_save_options", "dellistener", "diag", "diff", "disp", "doc_cache_file", "do_string_escapes", "double", "drawnow", "e", "echo_executing_commands", "eps", "eq", "errno", "errno_list", "error", "eval", "evalin", "exec", "exist", "exit", "eye", "false", "fclear", "fclose", "fcntl", "fdisp", "feof", "ferror", "feval", "fflush", "fgetl", "fgets", "fieldnames", "file_in_loadpath", "file_in_path", "filemarker", "filesep", "find_dir_in_path", "fixed_point_format", "fnmatch", "fopen", "fork", "formula", "fprintf", "fputs", "fread", "freport", "frewind", "fscanf", "fseek", "fskipl", "ftell", "functions", "fwrite", "ge", "genpath", "get", "getegid", "getenv", "geteuid", "getgid", "getpgrp", "getpid", "getppid", "getuid", "glob", "gt", "gui_mode", "history_control", "history_file", "history_size", "history_timestamp_format_string", "home", "horzcat", "hypot", "ifelse", "ignore_function_time_stamp", "inferiorto", "info_file", "info_program", "inline", "input", "intmax", "intmin", "ipermute", "is_absolute_filename", "isargout", "isbool", "iscell", "iscellstr", "ischar", "iscomplex", "isempty", "isfield", "isfloat", "isglobal", "ishandle", "isieee", "isindex", "isinteger", "islogical", "ismatrix", "ismethod", "isnull", "isnumeric", "isobject", "isreal", "is_rooted_relative_filename", "issorted", "isstruct", "isvarname", "kbhit", "keyboard", "kill", "lasterr", "lasterror", "lastwarn", "ldivide", "le", "length", "link", "linspace", "logical", "lstat", "lt", "make_absolute_filename", "makeinfo_program", "max_recursion_depth", "merge", "methods", "mfilename", "minus", "mislocked", "mkdir", "mkfifo", "mkstemp", "mldivide", "mlock", "mouse_wheel_zoom", "mpower", "mrdivide", "mtimes", "munlock", "nargin", "nargout", "native_float_format", "ndims", "ne", "nfields", "nnz", "norm", "not", "numel", "nzmax", "octave_config_info", "octave_core_file_limit", "octave_core_file_name", "octave_core_file_options", "ones", "or", "output_max_field_width", "output_precision", "page_output_immediately", "page_screen_output", "path", "pathsep", "pause", "pclose", "permute", "pi", "pipe", "plus", "popen", "power", "print_empty_dimensions", "printf", "print_struct_array_contents", "prod", "program_invocation_name", "program_name", "putenv", "puts", "pwd", "quit", "rats", "rdivide", "readdir", "readlink", "read_readline_init_file", "realmax", "realmin", "rehash", "rename", "repelems", "re_read_readline_init_file", "reset", "reshape", "resize", "restoredefaultpath", "rethrow", "rmdir", "rmfield", "rmpath", "rows", "save_header_format_string", "save_precision", "saving_history", "scanf", "set", "setenv", "shell_cmd", "sighup_dumps_octave_core", "sigterm_dumps_octave_core", "silent_functions", "single", "size", "size_equal", "sizemax", "sizeof", "sleep", "source", "sparse_auto_mutate", "split_long_rows", "sprintf", "squeeze", "sscanf", "stat", "stderr", "stdin", "stdout", "strcmp", "strcmpi", "string_fill_char", "strncmp", "strncmpi", "struct", "struct_levels_to_print", "strvcat", "subsasgn", "subsref", "sum", "sumsq", "superiorto", "suppress_verbose_help_message", "symlink", "system", "tic", "tilde_expand", "times", "tmpfile", "tmpnam", "toc", "toupper", "transpose", "true", "typeinfo", "umask", "uminus", "uname", "undo_string_escapes", "unlink", "uplus", "upper", "usage", "usleep", "vec", "vectorize", "vertcat", "waitpid", "warning", "warranty", "whos_line_format", "yes_or_no", "zeros", "inf", "Inf", "nan", "NaN"] command_kw = [ "close", "load", "who", "whos", ] function_kw = [ "accumarray", "accumdim", "acosd", "acotd", "acscd", "addtodate", "allchild", "ancestor", "anova", "arch_fit", "arch_rnd", "arch_test", "area", "arma_rnd", "arrayfun", "ascii", "asctime", "asecd", "asind", "assert", "atand", "autoreg_matrix", "autumn", "axes", "axis", "bar", "barh", "bartlett", "bartlett_test", "beep", "betacdf", "betainv", "betapdf", "betarnd", "bicgstab", "bicubic", "binary", "binocdf", "binoinv", "binopdf", "binornd", "bitcmp", "bitget", "bitset", "blackman", "blanks", "blkdiag", "bone", "box", "brighten", "calendar", "cast", "cauchy_cdf", "cauchy_inv", "cauchy_pdf", "cauchy_rnd", "caxis", "celldisp", "center", "cgs", "chisquare_test_homogeneity", "chisquare_test_independence", "circshift", "cla", "clabel", "clf", "clock", "cloglog", "closereq", "colon", "colorbar", "colormap", "colperm", "comet", "common_size", "commutation_matrix", "compan", "compare_versions", "compass", "computer", "cond", "condest", "contour", "contourc", "contourf", "contrast", "conv", "convhull", "cool", "copper", "copyfile", "cor", "corrcoef", "cor_test", "cosd", "cotd", "cov", "cplxpair", "cross", "cscd", "cstrcat", "csvread", "csvwrite", "ctime", "cumtrapz", "curl", "cut", "cylinder", "date", "datenum", "datestr", "datetick", "datevec", "dblquad", "deal", "deblank", "deconv", "delaunay", "delaunayn", "delete", "demo", "detrend", "diffpara", "diffuse", "dir", "discrete_cdf", "discrete_inv", "discrete_pdf", "discrete_rnd", "display", "divergence", "dlmwrite", "dos", "dsearch", "dsearchn", "duplication_matrix", "durbinlevinson", "ellipsoid", "empirical_cdf", "empirical_inv", "empirical_pdf", "empirical_rnd", "eomday", "errorbar", "etime", "etreeplot", "example", "expcdf", "expinv", "expm", "exppdf", "exprnd", "ezcontour", "ezcontourf", "ezmesh", "ezmeshc", "ezplot", "ezpolar", "ezsurf", "ezsurfc", "factor", "factorial", "fail", "fcdf", "feather", "fftconv", "fftfilt", "fftshift", "figure", "fileattrib", "fileparts", "fill", "findall", "findobj", "findstr", "finv", "flag", "flipdim", "fliplr", "flipud", "fpdf", "fplot", "fractdiff", "freqz", "freqz_plot", "frnd", "fsolve", "f_test_regression", "ftp", "fullfile", "fzero", "gamcdf", "gaminv", "gampdf", "gamrnd", "gca", "gcbf", "gcbo", "gcf", "genvarname", "geocdf", "geoinv", "geopdf", "geornd", "getfield", "ginput", "glpk", "gls", "gplot", "gradient", "graphics_toolkit", "gray", "grid", "griddata", "griddatan", "gtext", "gunzip", "gzip", "hadamard", "hamming", "hankel", "hanning", "hggroup", "hidden", "hilb", "hist", "histc", "hold", "hot", "hotelling_test", "housh", "hsv", "hurst", "hygecdf", "hygeinv", "hygepdf", "hygernd", "idivide", "ifftshift", "image", "imagesc", "imfinfo", "imread", "imshow", "imwrite", "index", "info", "inpolygon", "inputname", "interpft", "interpn", "intersect", "invhilb", "iqr", "isa", "isdefinite", "isdir", "is_duplicate_entry", "isequal", "isequalwithequalnans", "isfigure", "ishermitian", "ishghandle", "is_leap_year", "isletter", "ismac", "ismember", "ispc", "isprime", "isprop", "isscalar", "issquare", "isstrprop", "issymmetric", "isunix", "is_valid_file_id", "isvector", "jet", "kendall", "kolmogorov_smirnov_cdf", "kolmogorov_smirnov_test", "kruskal_wallis_test", "krylov", "kurtosis", "laplace_cdf", "laplace_inv", "laplace_pdf", "laplace_rnd", "legend", "legendre", "license", "line", "linkprop", "list_primes", "loadaudio", "loadobj", "logistic_cdf", "logistic_inv", "logistic_pdf", "logistic_rnd", "logit", "loglog", "loglogerr", "logm", "logncdf", "logninv", "lognpdf", "lognrnd", "logspace", "lookfor", "ls_command", "lsqnonneg", "magic", "mahalanobis", "manova", "matlabroot", "mcnemar_test", "mean", "meansq", "median", "menu", "mesh", "meshc", "meshgrid", "meshz", "mexext", "mget", "mkpp", "mode", "moment", "movefile", "mpoles", "mput", "namelengthmax", "nargchk", "nargoutchk", "nbincdf", "nbininv", "nbinpdf", "nbinrnd", "nchoosek", "ndgrid", "newplot", "news", "nonzeros", "normcdf", "normest", "norminv", "normpdf", "normrnd", "now", "nthroot", "null", "ocean", "ols", "onenormest", "optimget", "optimset", "orderfields", "orient", "orth", "pack", "pareto", "parseparams", "pascal", "patch", "pathdef", "pcg", "pchip", "pcolor", "pcr", "peaks", "periodogram", "perl", "perms", "pie", "pink", "planerot", "playaudio", "plot", "plotmatrix", "plotyy", "poisscdf", "poissinv", "poisspdf", "poissrnd", "polar", "poly", "polyaffine", "polyarea", "polyderiv", "polyfit", "polygcd", "polyint", "polyout", "polyreduce", "polyval", "polyvalm", "postpad", "powerset", "ppder", "ppint", "ppjumps", "ppplot", "ppval", "pqpnonneg", "prepad", "primes", "print", "print_usage", "prism", "probit", "qp", "qqplot", "quadcc", "quadgk", "quadl", "quadv", "quiver", "qzhess", "rainbow", "randi", "range", "rank", "ranks", "rat", "reallog", "realpow", "realsqrt", "record", "rectangle_lw", "rectangle_sw", "rectint", "refresh", "refreshdata", "regexptranslate", "repmat", "residue", "ribbon", "rindex", "roots", "rose", "rosser", "rotdim", "rref", "run", "run_count", "rundemos", "run_test", "runtests", "saveas", "saveaudio", "saveobj", "savepath", "scatter", "secd", "semilogx", "semilogxerr", "semilogy", "semilogyerr", "setaudio", "setdiff", "setfield", "setxor", "shading", "shift", "shiftdim", "sign_test", "sinc", "sind", "sinetone", "sinewave", "skewness", "slice", "sombrero", "sortrows", "spaugment", "spconvert", "spdiags", "spearman", "spectral_adf", "spectral_xdf", "specular", "speed", "spencer", "speye", "spfun", "sphere", "spinmap", "spline", "spones", "sprand", "sprandn", "sprandsym", "spring", "spstats", "spy", "sqp", "stairs", "statistics", "std", "stdnormal_cdf", "stdnormal_inv", "stdnormal_pdf", "stdnormal_rnd", "stem", "stft", "strcat", "strchr", "strjust", "strmatch", "strread", "strsplit", "strtok", "strtrim", "strtrunc", "structfun", "studentize", "subplot", "subsindex", "subspace", "substr", "substruct", "summer", "surf", "surface", "surfc", "surfl", "surfnorm", "svds", "swapbytes", "sylvester_matrix", "symvar", "synthesis", "table", "tand", "tar", "tcdf", "tempdir", "tempname", "test", "text", "textread", "textscan", "tinv", "title", "toeplitz", "tpdf", "trace", "trapz", "treelayout", "treeplot", "triangle_lw", "triangle_sw", "tril", "trimesh", "triplequad", "triplot", "trisurf", "triu", "trnd", "tsearchn", "t_test", "t_test_regression", "type", "unidcdf", "unidinv", "unidpdf", "unidrnd", "unifcdf", "unifinv", "unifpdf", "unifrnd", "union", "unique", "unix", "unmkpp", "unpack", "untabify", "untar", "unwrap", "unzip", "u_test", "validatestring", "vander", "var", "var_test", "vech", "ver", "version", "view", "voronoi", "voronoin", "waitforbuttonpress", "wavread", "wavwrite", "wblcdf", "wblinv", "wblpdf", "wblrnd", "weekday", "welch_test", "what", "white", "whitebg", "wienrnd", "wilcoxon_test", "wilkinson", "winter", "xlabel", "xlim", "ylabel", "yulewalker", "zip", "zlabel", "z_test", ] loadable_kw = [ "airy", "amd", "balance", "besselh", "besseli", "besselj", "besselk", "bessely", "bitpack", "bsxfun", "builtin", "ccolamd", "cellfun", "cellslices", "chol", "choldelete", "cholinsert", "cholinv", "cholshift", "cholupdate", "colamd", "colloc", "convhulln", "convn", "csymamd", "cummax", "cummin", "daspk", "daspk_options", "dasrt", "dasrt_options", "dassl", "dassl_options", "dbclear", "dbdown", "dbstack", "dbstatus", "dbstop", "dbtype", "dbup", "dbwhere", "det", "dlmread", "dmperm", "dot", "eig", "eigs", "endgrent", "endpwent", "etree", "fft", "fftn", "fftw", "filter", "find", "full", "gcd", "getgrent", "getgrgid", "getgrnam", "getpwent", "getpwnam", "getpwuid", "getrusage", "givens", "gmtime", "gnuplot_binary", "hess", "ifft", "ifftn", "inv", "isdebugmode", "issparse", "kron", "localtime", "lookup", "lsode", "lsode_options", "lu", "luinc", "luupdate", "matrix_type", "max", "min", "mktime", "pinv", "qr", "qrdelete", "qrinsert", "qrshift", "qrupdate", "quad", "quad_options", "qz", "rand", "rande", "randg", "randn", "randp", "randperm", "rcond", "regexp", "regexpi", "regexprep", "schur", "setgrent", "setpwent", "sort", "spalloc", "sparse", "spparms", "sprank", "sqrtm", "strfind", "strftime", "strptime", "strrep", "svd", "svd_driver", "syl", "symamd", "symbfact", "symrcm", "time", "tsearch", "typecast", "urlread", "urlwrite", ] mapping_kw = [ "abs", "acos", "acosh", "acot", "acoth", "acsc", "acsch", "angle", "arg", "asec", "asech", "asin", "asinh", "atan", "atanh", "beta", "betainc", "betaln", "bincoeff", "cbrt", "ceil", "conj", "cos", "cosh", "cot", "coth", "csc", "csch", "erf", "erfc", "erfcx", "erfinv", "exp", "finite", "fix", "floor", "fmod", "gamma", "gammainc", "gammaln", "imag", "isalnum", "isalpha", "isascii", "iscntrl", "isdigit", "isfinite", "isgraph", "isinf", "islower", "isna", "isnan", "isprint", "ispunct", "isspace", "isupper", "isxdigit", "lcm", "lgamma", "log", "lower", "mod", "real", "rem", "round", "roundb", "sec", "sech", "sign", "sin", "sinh", "sqrt", "tan", "tanh", "toascii", "tolower", "xor", ] builtin_consts = [ "EDITOR", "EXEC_PATH", "I", "IMAGE_PATH", "NA", "OCTAVE_HOME", "OCTAVE_VERSION", "PAGER", "PAGER_FLAGS", "SEEK_CUR", "SEEK_END", "SEEK_SET", "SIG", "S_ISBLK", "S_ISCHR", "S_ISDIR", "S_ISFIFO", "S_ISLNK", "S_ISREG", "S_ISSOCK", "WCONTINUE", "WCOREDUMP", "WEXITSTATUS", "WIFCONTINUED", "WIFEXITED", "WIFSIGNALED", "WIFSTOPPED", "WNOHANG", "WSTOPSIG", "WTERMSIG", "WUNTRACED", ] tokens = { 'root': [ #We should look into multiline comments (r'[%#].*$', Comment), (r'^\s*function', Keyword, 'deffunc'), # from 'iskeyword' on hg changeset 8cc154f45e37 (r'(__FILE__|__LINE__|break|case|catch|classdef|continue|do|else|' r'elseif|end|end_try_catch|end_unwind_protect|endclassdef|' r'endevents|endfor|endfunction|endif|endmethods|endproperties|' r'endswitch|endwhile|events|for|function|get|global|if|methods|' r'otherwise|persistent|properties|return|set|static|switch|try|' r'until|unwind_protect|unwind_protect_cleanup|while)\b', Keyword), ("(" + "|".join( builtin_kw + command_kw + function_kw + loadable_kw + mapping_kw) + r')\b', Name.Builtin), ("(" + "|".join(builtin_consts) + r')\b', Name.Constant), # operators in Octave but not Matlab: (r'-=|!=|!|/=|--', Operator), # operators: (r'-|==|~=|<|>|<=|>=|&&|&|~|\|\|?', Operator), # operators in Octave but not Matlab requiring escape for re: (r'\*=|\+=|\^=|\/=|\\=|\*\*|\+\+|\.\*\*',Operator), # operators requiring escape for re: (r'\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\/|\\', Operator), # punctuation: (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|\{|\}|:|@|\.|,', Punctuation), (r'=|:|;', Punctuation), (r'"[^"]*"', String), (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float), (r'\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float), (r'\d+', Number.Integer), # quote can be transpose, instead of string: # (not great, but handles common cases...) (r'(?<=[\w\)\]])\'', Operator), (r'(?<![\w\)\]])\'', String, 'string'), ('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name), (r'.', Text), ], 'string': [ (r"[^']*'", String, '#pop'), ], 'deffunc': [ (r'(\s*)(?:(.+)(\s*)(=)(\s*))?(.+)(\()(.*)(\))(\s*)', bygroups(Text.Whitespace, Text, Text.Whitespace, Punctuation, Text.Whitespace, Name.Function, Punctuation, Text, Punctuation, Text.Whitespace), '#pop'), ], } def analyse_text(text): if re.match('^\s*[%#]', text, re.M): #Comment return 0.1
[docs]class ScilabLexer(RegexLexer): """ For Scilab source code. *New in Pygments 1.5.* """ name = 'Scilab' aliases = ['scilab'] filenames = ['*.sci', '*.sce', '*.tst'] mimetypes = ['text/scilab'] tokens = { 'root': [ (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single), (r'^\s*function', Keyword, 'deffunc'), (r'(__FILE__|__LINE__|break|case|catch|classdef|continue|do|else|' r'elseif|end|end_try_catch|end_unwind_protect|endclassdef|' r'endevents|endfor|endfunction|endif|endmethods|endproperties|' r'endswitch|endwhile|events|for|function|get|global|if|methods|' r'otherwise|persistent|properties|return|set|static|switch|try|' r'until|unwind_protect|unwind_protect_cleanup|while)\b', Keyword), ("(" + "|".join(_scilab_builtins.functions_kw + _scilab_builtins.commands_kw + _scilab_builtins.macros_kw ) + r')\b', Name.Builtin), (r'(%s)\b' % "|".join(map(re.escape, _scilab_builtins.builtin_consts)), Name.Constant), # operators: (r'-|==|~=|<|>|<=|>=|&&|&|~|\|\|?', Operator), # operators requiring escape for re: (r'\.\*|\*|\+|\.\^|\.\\|\.\/|\/|\\', Operator), # punctuation: (r'[\[\](){}@.,=:;]', Punctuation), (r'"[^"]*"', String), # quote can be transpose, instead of string: # (not great, but handles common cases...) (r'(?<=[\w\)\]])\'', Operator), (r'(?<![\w\)\]])\'', String, 'string'), (r'(\d+\.\d*|\d*\.\d+)([eEf][+-]?[0-9]+)?', Number.Float), (r'\d+[eEf][+-]?[0-9]+', Number.Float), (r'\d+', Number.Integer), ('[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Name), (r'.', Text), ], 'string': [ (r"[^']*'", String, '#pop'), (r'.', String, '#pop'), ], 'deffunc': [ (r'(\s*)(?:(.+)(\s*)(=)(\s*))?(.+)(\()(.*)(\))(\s*)', bygroups(Text.Whitespace, Text, Text.Whitespace, Punctuation, Text.Whitespace, Name.Function, Punctuation, Text, Punctuation, Text.Whitespace), '#pop'), ], }
[docs]class NumPyLexer(PythonLexer): """ A Python lexer recognizing Numerical Python builtins. *New in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'NumPy' aliases = ['numpy'] # override the mimetypes to not inherit them from python mimetypes = [] filenames = [] EXTRA_KEYWORDS = set([ 'abs', 'absolute', 'accumulate', 'add', 'alen', 'all', 'allclose', 'alltrue', 'alterdot', 'amax', 'amin', 'angle', 'any', 'append', 'apply_along_axis', 'apply_over_axes', 'arange', 'arccos', 'arccosh', 'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctan2', 'arctanh', 'argmax', 'argmin', 'argsort', 'argwhere', 'around', 'array', 'array2string', 'array_equal', 'array_equiv', 'array_repr', 'array_split', 'array_str', 'arrayrange', 'asanyarray', 'asarray', 'asarray_chkfinite', 'ascontiguousarray', 'asfarray', 'asfortranarray', 'asmatrix', 'asscalar', 'astype', 'atleast_1d', 'atleast_2d', 'atleast_3d', 'average', 'bartlett', 'base_repr', 'beta', 'binary_repr', 'bincount', 'binomial', 'bitwise_and', 'bitwise_not', 'bitwise_or', 'bitwise_xor', 'blackman', 'bmat', 'broadcast', 'byte_bounds', 'bytes', 'byteswap', 'c_', 'can_cast', 'ceil', 'choose', 'clip', 'column_stack', 'common_type', 'compare_chararrays', 'compress', 'concatenate', 'conj', 'conjugate', 'convolve', 'copy', 'corrcoef', 'correlate', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cov', 'cross', 'cumprod', 'cumproduct', 'cumsum', 'delete', 'deprecate', 'diag', 'diagflat', 'diagonal', 'diff', 'digitize', 'disp', 'divide', 'dot', 'dsplit', 'dstack', 'dtype', 'dump', 'dumps', 'ediff1d', 'empty', 'empty_like', 'equal', 'exp', 'expand_dims', 'expm1', 'extract', 'eye', 'fabs', 'fastCopyAndTranspose', 'fft', 'fftfreq', 'fftshift', 'fill', 'finfo', 'fix', 'flat', 'flatnonzero', 'flatten', 'fliplr', 'flipud', 'floor', 'floor_divide', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'fromarrays', 'frombuffer', 'fromfile', 'fromfunction', 'fromiter', 'frompyfunc', 'fromstring', 'generic', 'get_array_wrap', 'get_include', 'get_numarray_include', 'get_numpy_include', 'get_printoptions', 'getbuffer', 'getbufsize', 'geterr', 'geterrcall', 'geterrobj', 'getfield', 'gradient', 'greater', 'greater_equal', 'gumbel', 'hamming', 'hanning', 'histogram', 'histogram2d', 'histogramdd', 'hsplit', 'hstack', 'hypot', 'i0', 'identity', 'ifft', 'imag', 'index_exp', 'indices', 'inf', 'info', 'inner', 'insert', 'int_asbuffer', 'interp', 'intersect1d', 'intersect1d_nu', 'inv', 'invert', 'iscomplex', 'iscomplexobj', 'isfinite', 'isfortran', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'isneginf', 'isposinf', 'isreal', 'isrealobj', 'isscalar', 'issctype', 'issubclass_', 'issubdtype', 'issubsctype', 'item', 'itemset', 'iterable', 'ix_', 'kaiser', 'kron', 'ldexp', 'left_shift', 'less', 'less_equal', 'lexsort', 'linspace', 'load', 'loads', 'loadtxt', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log2', 'logical_and', 'logical_not', 'logical_or', 'logical_xor', 'logspace', 'lstsq', 'mat', 'matrix', 'max', 'maximum', 'maximum_sctype', 'may_share_memory', 'mean', 'median', 'meshgrid', 'mgrid', 'min', 'minimum', 'mintypecode', 'mod', 'modf', 'msort', 'multiply', 'nan', 'nan_to_num', 'nanargmax', 'nanargmin', 'nanmax', 'nanmin', 'nansum', 'ndenumerate', 'ndim', 'ndindex', 'negative', 'newaxis', 'newbuffer', 'newbyteorder', 'nonzero', 'not_equal', 'obj2sctype', 'ogrid', 'ones', 'ones_like', 'outer', 'permutation', 'piecewise', 'pinv', 'pkgload', 'place', 'poisson', 'poly', 'poly1d', 'polyadd', 'polyder', 'polydiv', 'polyfit', 'polyint', 'polymul', 'polysub', 'polyval', 'power', 'prod', 'product', 'ptp', 'put', 'putmask', 'r_', 'randint', 'random_integers', 'random_sample', 'ranf', 'rank', 'ravel', 'real', 'real_if_close', 'recarray', 'reciprocal', 'reduce', 'remainder', 'repeat', 'require', 'reshape', 'resize', 'restoredot', 'right_shift', 'rint', 'roll', 'rollaxis', 'roots', 'rot90', 'round', 'round_', 'row_stack', 's_', 'sample', 'savetxt', 'sctype2char', 'searchsorted', 'seed', 'select', 'set_numeric_ops', 'set_printoptions', 'set_string_function', 'setbufsize', 'setdiff1d', 'seterr', 'seterrcall', 'seterrobj', 'setfield', 'setflags', 'setmember1d', 'setxor1d', 'shape', 'show_config', 'shuffle', 'sign', 'signbit', 'sin', 'sinc', 'sinh', 'size', 'slice', 'solve', 'sometrue', 'sort', 'sort_complex', 'source', 'split', 'sqrt', 'square', 'squeeze', 'standard_normal', 'std', 'subtract', 'sum', 'svd', 'swapaxes', 'take', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tensordot', 'test', 'tile', 'tofile', 'tolist', 'tostring', 'trace', 'transpose', 'trapz', 'tri', 'tril', 'trim_zeros', 'triu', 'true_divide', 'typeDict', 'typename', 'uniform', 'union1d', 'unique', 'unique1d', 'unravel_index', 'unwrap', 'vander', 'var', 'vdot', 'vectorize', 'view', 'vonmises', 'vsplit', 'vstack', 'weibull', 'where', 'who', 'zeros', 'zeros_like' ]) def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): for index, token, value in \ PythonLexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): if token is Name and value in self.EXTRA_KEYWORDS: yield index, Keyword.Pseudo, value else: yield index, token, value
[docs]class RConsoleLexer(Lexer): """ For R console transcripts or R CMD BATCH output files. """ name = 'RConsole' aliases = ['rconsole', 'rout'] filenames = ['*.Rout'] def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text): slexer = SLexer(**self.options) current_code_block = '' insertions = [] for match in line_re.finditer(text): line = if line.startswith('>') or line.startswith('+'): # Colorize the prompt as such, # then put rest of line into current_code_block insertions.append((len(current_code_block), [(0, Generic.Prompt, line[:2])])) current_code_block += line[2:] else: # We have reached a non-prompt line! # If we have stored prompt lines, need to process them first. if current_code_block: # Weave together the prompts and highlight code. for item in do_insertions(insertions, slexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(current_code_block)): yield item # Reset vars for next code block. current_code_block = '' insertions = [] # Now process the actual line itself, this is output from R. yield match.start(), Generic.Output, line # If we happen to end on a code block with nothing after it, need to # process the last code block. This is neither elegant nor DRY so # should be changed. if current_code_block: for item in do_insertions(insertions, slexer.get_tokens_unprocessed(current_code_block)): yield item
[docs]class SLexer(RegexLexer): """ For S, S-plus, and R source code. *New in Pygments 0.10.* """ name = 'S' aliases = ['splus', 's', 'r'] filenames = ['*.S', '*.R', '.Rhistory', '.Rprofile'] mimetypes = ['text/S-plus', 'text/S', 'text/x-r-source', 'text/x-r', 'text/x-R', 'text/x-r-history', 'text/x-r-profile'] tokens = { 'comments': [ (r'#.*$', Comment.Single), ], 'valid_name': [ (r'[a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z\._]*', Text), # can begin with ., but not if that is followed by a digit (r'\.[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z\._]*', Text), ], 'punctuation': [ (r'\[{1,2}|\]{1,2}|\(|\)|;|,', Punctuation), ], 'keywords': [ (r'(if|else|for|while|repeat|in|next|break|return|switch|function)' r'(?![0-9a-zA-Z\._])', Keyword.Reserved) ], 'operators': [ (r'<<?-|->>?|-|==|<=|>=|<|>|&&?|!=|\|\|?|\?', Operator), (r'\*|\+|\^|/|!|%[^%]*%|=|~|\$|@|:{1,3}', Operator) ], 'builtin_symbols': [ (r'(NULL|NA(_(integer|real|complex|character)_)?|' r'Inf|TRUE|FALSE|NaN|\.\.(\.|[0-9]+))' r'(?![0-9a-zA-Z\._])', Keyword.Constant), (r'(T|F)\b', Keyword.Variable), ], 'numbers': [ # hex number (r'0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+([pP][0-9]+)?[Li]?', Number.Hex), # decimal number (r'[+-]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+)([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?[Li]?', Number), ], 'statements': [ include('comments'), # whitespaces (r'\s+', Text), (r'`.*?`', String.Backtick), (r'\'', String, 'string_squote'), (r'\"', String, 'string_dquote'), include('builtin_symbols'), include('numbers'), include('keywords'), include('punctuation'), include('operators'), include('valid_name'), ], 'root': [ include('statements'), # blocks: (r'\{|\}', Punctuation), #(r'\{', Punctuation, 'block'), (r'.', Text), ], #'block': [ # include('statements'), # ('\{', Punctuation, '#push'), # ('\}', Punctuation, '#pop') #], 'string_squote': [ (r'([^\'\\]|\\.)*\'', String, '#pop'), ], 'string_dquote': [ (r'([^"\\]|\\.)*"', String, '#pop'), ], } def analyse_text(text): return '<-' in text
[docs]class BugsLexer(RegexLexer): """ Pygments Lexer for `OpenBugs <>`_ and WinBugs models. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'BUGS' aliases = ['bugs', 'winbugs', 'openbugs'] filenames = ['*.bug'] _FUNCTIONS = [ # Scalar functions 'abs', 'arccos', 'arccosh', 'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctanh', 'cloglog', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cumulative', 'cut', 'density', 'deviance', 'equals', 'expr', 'gammap', 'ilogit', 'icloglog', 'integral', 'log', 'logfact', 'loggam', 'logit', 'max', 'min', 'phi', 'post.p.value', 'pow', 'prior.p.value', 'probit', '', 'replicate.prior', 'round', 'sin', 'sinh', 'solution', 'sqrt', 'step', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trunc', # Vector functions 'inprod', 'interp.lin', 'inverse', 'logdet', 'mean', 'eigen.vals', 'ode', 'prod', 'p.valueM', 'rank', 'ranked', 'replicate.postM', 'sd', 'sort', 'sum', ## Special 'D', 'I', 'F', 'T', 'C'] """ OpenBUGS built-in functions From This also includes - T, C, I : Truncation and censoring. ``T`` and ``C`` are in OpenBUGS. ``I`` in WinBUGS. - D : ODE - F : Functional """ _DISTRIBUTIONS = ['dbern', 'dbin', 'dcat', 'dnegbin', 'dpois', 'dhyper', 'dbeta', 'dchisqr', 'ddexp', 'dexp', 'dflat', 'dgamma', 'dgev', 'df', 'dggamma', 'dgpar', 'dloglik', 'dlnorm', 'dlogis', 'dnorm', 'dpar', 'dt', 'dunif', 'dweib', 'dmulti', 'ddirch', 'dmnorm', 'dmt', 'dwish'] """ OpenBUGS built-in distributions Functions from """ tokens = { 'whitespace' : [ (r"\s+", Text), ], 'comments' : [ # Comments (r'#.*$', Comment.Single), ], 'root': [ # Comments include('comments'), include('whitespace'), # Block start (r'(model)(\s+)({)', bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Punctuation)), # Reserved Words (r'(for|in)(?![0-9a-zA-Z\._])', Keyword.Reserved), # Built-in Functions (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()' % r'|'.join(_FUNCTIONS + _DISTRIBUTIONS), Name.Builtin), # Regular variable names (r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_.]*', Name), # Number Literals (r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?', Number), # Punctuation (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|:|,|;', Punctuation), # Assignment operators # SLexer makes these tokens Operators. (r'<-|~', Operator), # Infix and prefix operators (r'\+|-|\*|/', Operator), # Block (r'[{}]', Punctuation), ] } def analyse_text(text): if"^\s*model\s*{", text, re.M): return 0.7 else: return 0.0
[docs]class JagsLexer(RegexLexer): """ Pygments Lexer for JAGS. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'JAGS' aliases = ['jags'] filenames = ['*.jag', '*.bug'] ## JAGS _FUNCTIONS = [ 'abs', 'arccos', 'arccosh', 'arcsin', 'arcsinh', 'arctan', 'arctanh', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cloglog', 'equals', 'exp', 'icloglog', 'ifelse', 'ilogit', 'log', 'logfact', 'loggam', 'logit', 'phi', 'pow', 'probit', 'round', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'step', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trunc', 'inprod', 'interp.lin', 'logdet', 'max', 'mean', 'min', 'prod', 'sum', 'sd', 'inverse', 'rank', 'sort', 't', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', # Truncation/Censoring (should I include) 'T', 'I'] # Distributions with density, probability and quartile functions _DISTRIBUTIONS = ['[dpq]%s' % x for x in ['bern', 'beta', 'dchiqsqr', 'ddexp', 'dexp', 'df', 'gamma', 'gen.gamma', 'logis', 'lnorm', 'negbin', 'nchisqr', 'norm', 'par', 'pois', 'weib']] # Other distributions without density and probability _OTHER_DISTRIBUTIONS = [ 'dt', 'dunif', 'dbetabin', 'dbern', 'dbin', 'dcat', 'dhyper', 'ddirch', 'dmnorm', 'dwish', 'dmt', 'dmulti', 'dbinom', 'dchisq', 'dnbinom', 'dweibull', 'ddirich'] tokens = { 'whitespace' : [ (r"\s+", Text), ], 'names' : [ # Regular variable names (r'[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*\b', Name), ], 'comments' : [ # do not use stateful comments (r'(?s)/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline), # Comments (r'#.*$', Comment.Single), ], 'root': [ # Comments include('comments'), include('whitespace'), # Block start (r'(model|data)(\s+)({)', bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Punctuation)), (r'var(?![0-9a-zA-Z\._])', Keyword.Declaration), # Reserved Words (r'(for|in)(?![0-9a-zA-Z\._])', Keyword.Reserved), # Builtins # Need to use lookahead because . is a valid char (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()' % r'|'.join(_FUNCTIONS + _DISTRIBUTIONS + _OTHER_DISTRIBUTIONS), Name.Builtin), # Names include('names'), # Number Literals (r'[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?', Number), (r'\[|\]|\(|\)|:|,|;', Punctuation), # Assignment operators (r'<-|~', Operator), # # JAGS includes many more than OpenBUGS (r'\+|-|\*|\/|\|\|[&]{2}|[<>=]=?|\^|%.*?%', Operator), (r'[{}]', Punctuation), ] } def analyse_text(text): if'^\s*model\s*\{', text, re.M): if'^\s*data\s*\{', text, re.M): return 0.9 elif'^\s*var', text, re.M): return 0.9 else: return 0.3 else: return 0
[docs]class StanLexer(RegexLexer): """ Pygments Lexer for Stan models. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'Stan' aliases = ['stan'] filenames = ['*.stan'] _RESERVED = ('for', 'in', 'while', 'repeat', 'until', 'if', 'then', 'else', 'true', 'false', 'T', 'lower', 'upper', 'print') _TYPES = ('int', 'real', 'vector', 'simplex', 'ordered', 'row_vector', 'matrix', 'corr_matrix', 'cov_matrix', 'positive_ordered') tokens = { 'whitespace' : [ (r"\s+", Text), ], 'comments' : [ (r'(?s)/\*.*?\*/', Comment.Multiline), # Comments (r'(//|#).*$', Comment.Single), ], 'root': [ # Stan is more restrictive on strings than this regex (r'"[^"]*"', String), # Comments include('comments'), # block start include('whitespace'), # Block start (r'(%s)(\s*)({)' % r'|'.join(('data', r'transformed\s+?data', 'parameters', r'transformed\s+parameters', 'model', r'generated\s+quantities')), bygroups(Keyword.Namespace, Text, Punctuation)), # Reserved Words (r'(%s)\b' % r'|'.join(_RESERVED), Keyword.Reserved), # Data types (r'(%s)\b' % r'|'.join(_TYPES), Keyword.Type), # Punctuation (r"[;:,\[\]()<>]", Punctuation), # Builtin (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()' % r'|'.join(_stan_builtins.FUNCTIONS + _stan_builtins.DISTRIBUTIONS), Name.Builtin), (r'(%s)(?=\s*\()' % r'|'.join(_stan_builtins.CONSTANTS), Keyword.Constant), # Special names ending in __, like lp__ (r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*__\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo), # Regular variable names (r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\b', Name), # Real Literals (r'-?[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?[eE]-?[0-9]+', Number.Float), (r'-?[0-9]*\.[0-9]*', Number.Float), # Integer Literals (r'-?[0-9]+', Number.Integer), # Assignment operators # SLexer makes these tokens Operators. (r'<-|~', Operator), # Infix and prefix operators (and = ) (r"\+|-|\.?\*|\.?/|\\|'|=", Operator), # Block delimiters (r'[{}]', Punctuation), ] } def analyse_text(text): if'^\s*parameters\s*\{', text, re.M): return 1.0 else: return 0.0
[docs]class IDLLexer(RegexLexer): """ Pygments Lexer for IDL (Interactive Data Language). *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'IDL' aliases = ['idl'] filenames = ['*.pro'] mimetypes = ['text/idl'] _RESERVED = ['and', 'begin', 'break', 'case', 'common', 'compile_opt', 'continue', 'do', 'else', 'end', 'endcase', 'elseelse', 'endfor', 'endforeach', 'endif', 'endrep', 'endswitch', 'endwhile', 'eq', 'for', 'foreach', 'forward_function', 'function', 'ge', 'goto', 'gt', 'if', 'inherits', 'le', 'lt', 'mod', 'ne', 'not', 'of', 'on_ioerror', 'or', 'pro', 'repeat', 'switch', 'then', 'until', 'while', 'xor'] """Reserved words from:""" _BUILTIN_LIB = ['abs', 'acos', 'adapt_hist_equal', 'alog', 'alog10', 'amoeba', 'annotate', 'app_user_dir', 'app_user_dir_query', 'arg_present', 'array_equal', 'array_indices', 'arrow', 'ascii_template', 'asin', 'assoc', 'atan', 'axis', 'a_correlate', 'bandpass_filter', 'bandreject_filter', 'barplot', 'bar_plot', 'beseli', 'beselj', 'beselk', 'besely', 'beta', 'bilinear', 'binary_template', 'bindgen', 'binomial', 'bin_date', 'bit_ffs', 'bit_population', 'blas_axpy', 'blk_con', 'box_cursor', 'breakpoint', 'broyden', 'butterworth', 'bytarr', 'byte', 'byteorder', 'bytscl', 'caldat', 'calendar', 'call_external', 'call_function', 'call_method', 'call_procedure', 'canny', 'catch', 'cd', 'cdf_[0-9a-za-z_]*', 'ceil', 'chebyshev', 'check_math', 'chisqr_cvf', 'chisqr_pdf', 'choldc', 'cholsol', 'cindgen', 'cir_3pnt', 'close', 'cluster', 'cluster_tree', 'clust_wts', 'cmyk_convert', 'colorbar', 'colorize_sample', 'colormap_applicable', 'colormap_gradient', 'colormap_rotation', 'colortable', 'color_convert', 'color_exchange', 'color_quan', 'color_range_map', 'comfit', 'command_line_args', 'complex', 'complexarr', 'complexround', 'compute_mesh_normals', 'cond', 'congrid', 'conj', 'constrained_min', 'contour', 'convert_coord', 'convol', 'convol_fft', 'coord2to3', 'copy_lun', 'correlate', 'cos', 'cosh', 'cpu', 'cramer', 'create_cursor', 'create_struct', 'create_view', 'crossp', 'crvlength', 'cti_test', 'ct_luminance', 'cursor', 'curvefit', 'cvttobm', 'cv_coord', 'cw_animate', 'cw_animate_getp', 'cw_animate_load', 'cw_animate_run', 'cw_arcball', 'cw_bgroup', 'cw_clr_index', 'cw_colorsel', 'cw_defroi', 'cw_field', 'cw_filesel', 'cw_form', 'cw_fslider', 'cw_light_editor', 'cw_light_editor_get', 'cw_light_editor_set', 'cw_orient', 'cw_palette_editor', 'cw_palette_editor_get', 'cw_palette_editor_set', 'cw_pdmenu', 'cw_rgbslider', 'cw_tmpl', 'cw_zoom', 'c_correlate', 'dblarr', 'db_exists', 'dcindgen', 'dcomplex', 'dcomplexarr', 'define_key', 'define_msgblk', 'define_msgblk_from_file', 'defroi', 'defsysv', 'delvar', 'dendrogram', 'dendro_plot', 'deriv', 'derivsig', 'determ', 'device', 'dfpmin', 'diag_matrix', 'dialog_dbconnect', 'dialog_message', 'dialog_pickfile', 'dialog_printersetup', 'dialog_printjob', 'dialog_read_image', 'dialog_write_image', 'digital_filter', 'dilate', 'dindgen', 'dissolve', 'dist', 'distance_measure', 'dlm_load', 'dlm_register', 'doc_library', 'double', 'draw_roi', 'edge_dog', 'efont', 'eigenql', 'eigenvec', 'ellipse', 'elmhes', 'emboss', 'empty', 'enable_sysrtn', 'eof', 'eos_[0-9a-za-z_]*', 'erase', 'erf', 'erfc', 'erfcx', 'erode', 'errorplot', 'errplot', 'estimator_filter', 'execute', 'exit', 'exp', 'expand', 'expand_path', 'expint', 'extrac', 'extract_slice', 'factorial', 'fft', 'filepath', 'file_basename', 'file_chmod', 'file_copy', 'file_delete', 'file_dirname', 'file_expand_path', 'file_info', 'file_lines', 'file_link', 'file_mkdir', 'file_move', 'file_poll_input', 'file_readlink', 'file_same', 'file_search', 'file_test', 'file_which', 'findgen', 'finite', 'fix', 'flick', 'float', 'floor', 'flow3', 'fltarr', 'flush', 'format_axis_values', 'free_lun', 'fstat', 'fulstr', 'funct', 'fv_test', 'fx_root', 'fz_roots', 'f_cvf', 'f_pdf', 'gamma', 'gamma_ct', 'gauss2dfit', 'gaussfit', 'gaussian_function', 'gaussint', 'gauss_cvf', 'gauss_pdf', 'gauss_smooth', 'getenv', 'getwindows', 'get_drive_list', 'get_dxf_objects', 'get_kbrd', 'get_login_info', 'get_lun', 'get_screen_size', 'greg2jul', 'grib_[0-9a-za-z_]*', 'grid3', 'griddata', 'grid_input', 'grid_tps', 'gs_iter', 'h5[adfgirst]_[0-9a-za-z_]*', 'h5_browser', 'h5_close', 'h5_create', 'h5_get_libversion', 'h5_open', 'h5_parse', 'hanning', 'hash', 'hdf_[0-9a-za-z_]*', 'heap_free', 'heap_gc', 'heap_nosave', 'heap_refcount', 'heap_save', 'help', 'hilbert', 'histogram', 'hist_2d', 'hist_equal', 'hls', 'hough', 'hqr', 'hsv', 'h_eq_ct', 'h_eq_int', 'i18n_multibytetoutf8', 'i18n_multibytetowidechar', 'i18n_utf8tomultibyte', 'i18n_widechartomultibyte', 'ibeta', 'icontour', 'iconvertcoord', 'idelete', 'identity', 'idlexbr_assistant', 'idlitsys_createtool', 'idl_base64', 'idl_validname', 'iellipse', 'igamma', 'igetcurrent', 'igetdata', 'igetid', 'igetproperty', 'iimage', 'image', 'image_cont', 'image_statistics', 'imaginary', 'imap', 'indgen', 'intarr', 'interpol', 'interpolate', 'interval_volume', 'int_2d', 'int_3d', 'int_tabulated', 'invert', 'ioctl', 'iopen', 'iplot', 'ipolygon', 'ipolyline', 'iputdata', 'iregister', 'ireset', 'iresolve', 'irotate', 'ir_filter', 'isa', 'isave', 'iscale', 'isetcurrent', 'isetproperty', 'ishft', 'isocontour', 'isosurface', 'isurface', 'itext', 'itranslate', 'ivector', 'ivolume', 'izoom', 'i_beta', 'journal', 'json_parse', 'json_serialize', 'jul2greg', 'julday', 'keyword_set', 'krig2d', 'kurtosis', 'kw_test', 'l64indgen', 'label_date', 'label_region', 'ladfit', 'laguerre', 'laplacian', 'la_choldc', 'la_cholmprove', 'la_cholsol', 'la_determ', 'la_eigenproblem', 'la_eigenql', 'la_eigenvec', 'la_elmhes', 'la_gm_linear_model', 'la_hqr', 'la_invert', 'la_least_squares', 'la_least_square_equality', 'la_linear_equation', 'la_ludc', 'la_lumprove', 'la_lusol', 'la_svd', 'la_tridc', 'la_trimprove', 'la_triql', 'la_trired', 'la_trisol', 'least_squares_filter', 'leefilt', 'legend', 'legendre', 'linbcg', 'lindgen', 'linfit', 'linkimage', 'list', 'll_arc_distance', 'lmfit', 'lmgr', 'lngamma', 'lnp_test', 'loadct', 'locale_get', 'logical_and', 'logical_or', 'logical_true', 'lon64arr', 'lonarr', 'long', 'long64', 'lsode', 'ludc', 'lumprove', 'lusol', 'lu_complex', 'machar', 'make_array', 'make_dll', 'make_rt', 'map', 'mapcontinents', 'mapgrid', 'map_2points', 'map_continents', 'map_grid', 'map_image', 'map_patch', 'map_proj_forward', 'map_proj_image', 'map_proj_info', 'map_proj_init', 'map_proj_inverse', 'map_set', 'matrix_multiply', 'matrix_power', 'max', 'md_test', 'mean', 'meanabsdev', 'mean_filter', 'median', 'memory', 'mesh_clip', 'mesh_decimate', 'mesh_issolid', 'mesh_merge', 'mesh_numtriangles', 'mesh_obj', 'mesh_smooth', 'mesh_surfacearea', 'mesh_validate', 'mesh_volume', 'message', 'min', 'min_curve_surf', 'mk_html_help', 'modifyct', 'moment', 'morph_close', 'morph_distance', 'morph_gradient', 'morph_hitormiss', 'morph_open', 'morph_thin', 'morph_tophat', 'multi', 'm_correlate', 'ncdf_[0-9a-za-z_]*', 'newton', 'noise_hurl', 'noise_pick', 'noise_scatter', 'noise_slur', 'norm', 'n_elements', 'n_params', 'n_tags', 'objarr', 'obj_class', 'obj_destroy', 'obj_hasmethod', 'obj_isa', 'obj_new', 'obj_valid', 'online_help', 'on_error', 'open', 'oplot', 'oploterr', 'parse_url', 'particle_trace', 'path_cache', 'path_sep', 'pcomp', 'plot', 'plot3d', 'ploterr', 'plots', 'plot_3dbox', 'plot_field', 'pnt_line', 'point_lun', 'polarplot', 'polar_contour', 'polar_surface', 'poly', 'polyfill', 'polyfillv', 'polygon', 'polyline', 'polyshade', 'polywarp', 'poly_2d', 'poly_area', 'poly_fit', 'popd', 'powell', 'pref_commit', 'pref_get', 'pref_set', 'prewitt', 'primes', 'print', 'printd', 'product', 'profile', 'profiler', 'profiles', 'project_vol', 'psafm', 'pseudo', 'ps_show_fonts', 'ptrarr', 'ptr_free', 'ptr_new', 'ptr_valid', 'pushd', 'p_correlate', 'qgrid3', 'qhull', 'qromb', 'qromo', 'qsimp', 'query_ascii', 'query_bmp', 'query_csv', 'query_dicom', 'query_gif', 'query_image', 'query_jpeg', 'query_jpeg2000', 'query_mrsid', 'query_pict', 'query_png', 'query_ppm', 'query_srf', 'query_tiff', 'query_wav', 'radon', 'randomn', 'randomu', 'ranks', 'rdpix', 'read', 'reads', 'readu', 'read_ascii', 'read_binary', 'read_bmp', 'read_csv', 'read_dicom', 'read_gif', 'read_image', 'read_interfile', 'read_jpeg', 'read_jpeg2000', 'read_mrsid', 'read_pict', 'read_png', 'read_ppm', 'read_spr', 'read_srf', 'read_sylk', 'read_tiff', 'read_wav', 'read_wave', 'read_x11_bitmap', 'read_xwd', 'real_part', 'rebin', 'recall_commands', 'recon3', 'reduce_colors', 'reform', 'region_grow', 'register_cursor', 'regress', 'replicate', 'replicate_inplace', 'resolve_all', 'resolve_routine', 'restore', 'retall', 'return', 'reverse', 'rk4', 'roberts', 'rot', 'rotate', 'round', 'routine_filepath', 'routine_info', 'rs_test', 'r_correlate', 'r_test', 'save', 'savgol', 'scale3', 'scale3d', 'scope_level', 'scope_traceback', 'scope_varfetch', 'scope_varname', 'search2d', 'search3d', 'sem_create', 'sem_delete', 'sem_lock', 'sem_release', 'setenv', 'set_plot', 'set_shading', 'sfit', 'shade_surf', 'shade_surf_irr', 'shade_volume', 'shift', 'shift_diff', 'shmdebug', 'shmmap', 'shmunmap', 'shmvar', 'show3', 'showfont', 'simplex', 'sin', 'sindgen', 'sinh', 'size', 'skewness', 'skip_lun', 'slicer3', 'slide_image', 'smooth', 'sobel', 'socket', 'sort', 'spawn', 'spher_harm', 'sph_4pnt', 'sph_scat', 'spline', 'spline_p', 'spl_init', 'spl_interp', 'sprsab', 'sprsax', 'sprsin', 'sprstp', 'sqrt', 'standardize', 'stddev', 'stop', 'strarr', 'strcmp', 'strcompress', 'streamline', 'stregex', 'stretch', 'string', 'strjoin', 'strlen', 'strlowcase', 'strmatch', 'strmessage', 'strmid', 'strpos', 'strput', 'strsplit', 'strtrim', 'struct_assign', 'struct_hide', 'strupcase', 'surface', 'surfr', 'svdc', 'svdfit', 'svsol', 'swap_endian', 'swap_endian_inplace', 'symbol', 'systime', 's_test', 't3d', 'tag_names', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tek_color', 'temporary', 'tetra_clip', 'tetra_surface', 'tetra_volume', 'text', 'thin', 'threed', 'timegen', 'time_test2', 'tm_test', 'total', 'trace', 'transpose', 'triangulate', 'trigrid', 'triql', 'trired', 'trisol', 'tri_surf', 'truncate_lun', 'ts_coef', 'ts_diff', 'ts_fcast', 'ts_smooth', 'tv', 'tvcrs', 'tvlct', 'tvrd', 'tvscl', 'typename', 't_cvt', 't_pdf', 'uindgen', 'uint', 'uintarr', 'ul64indgen', 'ulindgen', 'ulon64arr', 'ulonarr', 'ulong', 'ulong64', 'uniq', 'unsharp_mask', 'usersym', 'value_locate', 'variance', 'vector', 'vector_field', 'vel', 'velovect', 'vert_t3d', 'voigt', 'voronoi', 'voxel_proj', 'wait', 'warp_tri', 'watershed', 'wdelete', 'wf_draw', 'where', 'widget_base', 'widget_button', 'widget_combobox', 'widget_control', 'widget_displaycontextmen', 'widget_draw', 'widget_droplist', 'widget_event', 'widget_info', 'widget_label', 'widget_list', 'widget_propertysheet', 'widget_slider', 'widget_tab', 'widget_table', 'widget_text', 'widget_tree', 'widget_tree_move', 'widget_window', 'wiener_filter', 'window', 'writeu', 'write_bmp', 'write_csv', 'write_gif', 'write_image', 'write_jpeg', 'write_jpeg2000', 'write_nrif', 'write_pict', 'write_png', 'write_ppm', 'write_spr', 'write_srf', 'write_sylk', 'write_tiff', 'write_wav', 'write_wave', 'wset', 'wshow', 'wtn', 'wv_applet', 'wv_cwt', 'wv_cw_wavelet', 'wv_denoise', 'wv_dwt', 'wv_fn_coiflet', 'wv_fn_daubechies', 'wv_fn_gaussian', 'wv_fn_haar', 'wv_fn_morlet', 'wv_fn_paul', 'wv_fn_symlet', 'wv_import_data', 'wv_import_wavelet', 'wv_plot3d_wps', 'wv_plot_multires', 'wv_pwt', 'wv_tool_denoise', 'xbm_edit', 'xdisplayfile', 'xdxf', 'xfont', 'xinteranimate', 'xloadct', 'xmanager', 'xmng_tmpl', 'xmtool', 'xobjview', 'xobjview_rotate', 'xobjview_write_image', 'xpalette', 'xpcolor', 'xplot3d', 'xregistered', 'xroi', 'xsq_test', 'xsurface', 'xvaredit', 'xvolume', 'xvolume_rotate', 'xvolume_write_image', 'xyouts', 'zoom', 'zoom_24'] """Functions from:""" tokens = { 'root': [ (r'^\s*;.*?\n', Comment.Singleline), (r'\b(' + '|'.join(_RESERVED) + r')\b', Keyword), (r'\b(' + '|'.join(_BUILTIN_LIB) + r')\b', Name.Builtin), (r'\+=|-=|\^=|\*=|/=|#=|##=|<=|>=|=', Operator), (r'\+\+|--|->|\+|-|##|#|\*|/|<|>|&&|\^|~|\|\|\?|:', Operator), (r'\b(mod=|lt=|le=|eq=|ne=|ge=|gt=|not=|and=|or=|xor=)', Operator), (r'\b(mod|lt|le|eq|ne|ge|gt|not|and|or|xor)\b', Operator), (r'\b[0-9](L|B|S|UL|ULL|LL)?\b', Number), (r'.', Text), ] }
[docs]class RdLexer(RegexLexer): """ Pygments Lexer for R documentation (Rd) files This is a very minimal implementation, highlighting little more than the macros. A description of Rd syntax is found in `Writing R Extensions <>`_ and `Parsing Rd files <>`_. *New in Pygments 1.6.* """ name = 'Rd' aliases = ['rd'] filenames = ['*.Rd'] mimetypes = ['text/x-r-doc'] # To account for verbatim / LaTeX-like / and R-like areas # would require parsing. tokens = { 'root' : [ # catch escaped brackets and percent sign (r'\\[\\{}%]', String.Escape), # comments (r'%.*$', Comment), # special macros with no arguments (r'\\(?:cr|l?dots|R|tab)\b', Keyword.Constant), # macros (r'\\[a-zA-Z]+\b', Keyword), # special preprocessor macros (r'^\s*#(?:ifn?def|endif).*\b', Comment.Preproc), # non-escaped brackets (r'[{}]', Name.Builtin), # everything else (r'[^\\%\n{}]+', Text), (r'.', Text), ] }

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